语录网随笔 You'll be lucky! 可不是祝你走运哟

You'll be lucky! 可不是祝你走运哟

有时听到一些学生在口语和书信中经常会跟对方来一句:"You'll be lucky! " 本来是想向对方表达一下美好祝福的心意,但你知道吗?实际上这句话却和祝福没有多大关系!这句其实是用来表示事情发生的几率很小的感叹,强调的是某些事情‘不太可能发生’,类似于我们在劝导别人时常说的一句:"看运气吧"或"算你走运"!

(one) will be lucky / you should be so lucky !

【En】Used to say that someone is very unlikely to get what they want. 用来形容一个人不太可能得到他想要的东西。That is very unlikely to happen or be the case. The phrase is used sarcastically or with a sense of resignation. 这种情况不太可能发生,也不太可能成为现实。这个短语的使用带有讽刺意味或一种听天由命的感觉。Used to say that someone's wishes or expectations are unlikely to be fulfilled. 用来形容某人的愿望或期望不太可能实现。What you expect or hope for is unlikely to happen. 你期望或希望的事情不太可能发生。


【例】You'll be lucky if you pass the test.


【例】You'll be lucky if you don't get your head blown off.


【例】You'll be lucky if you get any breakfast.


【例】You'll be lucky to get a taxi at this time of night.


【例】"She's going to ask for a salary increase." "She should be so lucky!"


【例】And just who is going to pay me back for this thing now? I'll be lucky if I get 50 bucks for it at a pawn shop!

现在谁来还我钱呢? 如果我在当铺能得到50美元,那就太幸运了!

【例】You'll be lucky if the bank manager agrees to extending your overdraft.


【例】You were hoping I'd come and collect you from the airport after midnight? You'll be lucky! Try a taxi!

难道你希望我午夜后到机场去接你吗? 试着能打上一辆出租车就算你走运了!

【例】You'll be lucky to stay out the jail.


【例】If they think they can get away with stealing a car, they'll be lucky!


I should be so lucky 看运气吧

I should be so lucky. 意思是希望有好运,但可能很小。换个说法就是“I have no hope of being so lucky.” 比如说:有一门测验特别难,当被问到“谁有自信能通过测验?”时,如果过不了,我们可能会说“看运气吧”。这时,就可以用 I should be so lucky.
