语录网随笔 刘博士英语公开课28:最美丽的情感有时候是友谊 3(含译文原文)

刘博士英语公开课28:最美丽的情感有时候是友谊 3(含译文原文)








第一是当时不通洋文,“于交涉、游历、游学,无不窒碍”, “而粗通洋文者,往往以洋文居奇”, “其猾黠悖谬者,则专采外国书报之大异乎中国礼法、不合乎中国政体者,截头去尾而翻译之,更或附会以一己之私意,故为增损,以求自圆其说”,而且用这些翻译“可以易售而罔利”,一则因“中国通洋文者少,故摘取其单词片语以冀欺世而惑人,鄙险甚矣。






本故事的作者是美国当代作家和戏曲家Victor Lodato。



然而当他遇见了Austin 之后,Austin 把他从孤独中领了出来,让他重新感受到了人与人在社会中依旧存在的温情。

而在遇见了Austin 之后,Victor 也发现了,在我们的社会中,许多的老人,由于其生活经历、年龄和经济状况等原因,他们在这个社会上也感受着另外一种孤独。



他的朋友Austin 是在Victor 写完这个故事那一年的12月去世的,Austin生前与Victor有了更多的相互交流和理解的机会。

Austin 去世前说,她最担心的就是Victor 不能从自己的孤独中走出来,她告诉Victor, ”You're going to be fine, I love you, I want you to be okay.'”。


在这个故事结束之后,大家可以在音频中听到剧作家Victor 亲自谈论他的感受。他的亲自分享内容的英语原文我附在了故事之后,除了以上的概括,我没有翻译。

(Victor Lodato)



故事的播讲人是Ali Fazal。

Ali Fazil 出生于印度。

他早先成名于印度的Bollywood,在2015年他前往美国Hollywood 发展,并在《Fast and Furious》(速度与激情)第七部出演角色。


Ali 说他喜欢Victor的这篇文章是因为这篇文章所揭示的亲密无间(Intimacy)的含义。

Ali 说, “有一句话真的打动了我。


' 这让我感到一种完全坦诚的空间——一旦你越过这个界线,'亲密'一词的范围就突然变得无限宽广起来。






"This one line really sticks with me," Ali said. "It says, 'There were no questions that were off limits.' And it's that space of total nudity that I feel — once you cross that, the word intimacy just suddenly widens out. And it's huge. Because it's not about friendship, it's not about love. It's something very spiritual. You could be kissing, or you could be not kissing. You could be sleeping, you could be not sleeping. You could be just reading. You could just be talking. And I think that's just beautiful."

【刘博士译文】:When Your Greatest Romance is Friendship (part 3)










Audio Transcript: When Your Greatest Romance is Friendship (part 3)

Of course, Austin was going to die long before I did. That’s not what this is about. This, I have come to understand, is a love story.

Austin continued to paint for several months more, fractured, psychedelic self-portraits in scorching colors. Her best work. Lately, though, she is tired and hardly leaves the couch. I sit with her, at the opposite end, our legs intertwined.

“Read to me,” she says.

When I tell her the book is finished, she tells me to read her something new. But whenever I do, she promptly falls asleep.

I don’t leave, though. I stare out the window. Austin was right. This room does get the best light.

Recently her hair has thinned, but she has a shock of white up front that a friend’s daughter has dyed with a streak of fuchsia. She looks like some punk girl I might have dated in high school.

She had a bit more energy the last time I came to visit and said: “Oh, Victor, I had the most wonderful dessert yesterday. Peaches and Connecticut. Have you ever had it?”

“No,” I said, smiling.

I loved the idea of it. Two things that don’t seem to go together. Monkeys and pigeons. Peaches and Connecticut. Unlikely, yes — but delicious beyond measure.

The End-Note: The Author Sharing

Austin passed away in December, before this Modern Love essay was published. But she had the chance to read it before she died, and in her last days, Victor said that she took the opportunity to share her feelings about him.

“I remember her telling a friend when she could still talk that one of the things she was worried about was me, because she knew how attached I was to her, and how important she was in my life. At the end, she…very soon before she died, she just took two fingers and she pointed them at me, and she did it several times, like three or four times, and I knew she was just saying, 'You're going to be fine, I love you, I want you to be okay.' So I felt like at the end, we didn't talk much, but I think we both understood everything."

Victor gravitates toward solitude. As a writer, he spends a lot of time alone. But Austin pulled him out of that solitary world.

“Any time something good happen, you know, I had a story published, or an article published, or some critic said something nice about my work, so it was an excuse to go out to a bar and celebrate, and I realized that you know, one of the things Austin said to me, she said, “living alone, it can make you strange, and I realized it’s true. And I'm already strange enough. So Austin taught me to get out more."

Victor says that his relationship with Austin made him aware how much friendships can be limited by age or social-economic status. And he thinks about that when he remembers their first meeting.

“You know I really was attracted to her, I like her energy, wanted to have a drink with her, but you know, I was thinking, I probably had some thought at the back of my head like, that, well we’ll certainly not become some good friends, because she was so much older than I am. So I guess I faced my own prejudice that there was some sort of limitation there. So, I hope that I am less rigid in thinking that my friends will come from certain segments of population,

Victor has lost other important people in his life, his mother, and his grandparents. But Victor says that losing Austin felt different.

(The end)


英语 我们一起学英语 情感







