语录网随笔 刘博士英语公开课19:爱情故事—I am Sorry, but I Love You.

刘博士英语公开课19:爱情故事—I am Sorry, but I Love You.




3)女孩Veronica在给男孩Steven打电话,她在餐厅等男孩吃饭,可是男孩迟迟未到,依旧还在工作。女孩觉得男孩子心里只有工作,没有自己,也不愿听男孩过多解释,她觉得自己应该 “take a break”…





Romance 的中心词 是“Roman”,是的,是罗马人。虽说罗马帝国在公元5世纪正式灭亡,但是就如同罗马攻占了希腊,但希腊语却在罗马帝国早期攻占了罗马一样,罗马帝国陨落以后,作为罗马帝国后期发展起来的自己的语言—拉丁语,却占领了欧洲上千年,一直到18世纪-19世纪。





法语旧语(Romanz)含义大致是“口头叙述”,“民间语言”,其相对的是当时作为官话的拉丁语。从其文学内容体裁来看,早期的Romanz 主要是“口头或是书面讲述的骑士和英雄故事”,其主题主要以冒险、精神探索、展示勇敢和英雄的价值观等,爱情也是故事的内容之一。


而在欧洲思想史中,Romanticism 是一种知识理性的批判运动。





William Wordsworth (威廉·华兹华斯)

John Keats(约翰·济慈)

Lord Byron (拜伦)

Percy Bysshe Shelley(雪莱)

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (歌德)

Charlotte, Emily, and Anne Brontë (勃朗特三姐妹)

Victor Hugo (雨果)

Aleksandr Pushkin (普希金)

Ludwig van Beethoven (贝多芬)

Franz Schubert (舒伯特)




1) 首先阅读文字材料,完全理解对话的书面内容,包括扫除单词障碍和语法障碍,领会对话的含义。

2) 然后开始听音频材料,将书面文字和声音表达进行匹配:即能够看着阅读材料清晰地听出音频内容 (这一步是听清楚的练习。如果可能,可以在有空时试着做听写练习)。

3) 将听力内容从他人的声音信息转化成你的口语声音信息:请一边阅读,一边跟着音频复述,最终,学习者可以流利地将音频内容跟读下来,并同步理解(这一步是练习你的口语表达,也是为了让你形成自己的英语声音内存)。

【Audio Transcript】I’m Sorry , I Love You.

Scene 1:

A: Whoa, whoa, what’s going on? Watch out!

B: Hey, watch where you’re going!

A: Oh, no! I’m so sorry! Are you all right?

B: Oh...I don’t know.

A: I feel terrible, I really didn’t mean to knock you over. My tire, just exploded, and I lost control of my bike. Really, it was an accident. Please accept my apologies.

B: Just let me try to stand up.

[SONG]: Why do birds suddenly appear, every time you are near?

A: Are you okay?

B: Oh, wait a second, you seem really familiar, I think I know you from somewhere.

A: Yeah, That’s right! I think we’ve met somewhere before.

We met at Aaron’s place last weekend! What a coincidence! But anyway, I’m glad to see that you’re not too badly hurt, and I should probably get going. I have a nine o’clock meeting.

But here is my number, call me so we will exchange insurance information.

B: Ouch! My ankle! I think it’s broken! You can’t just leave me like this! Are you calling an ambulance?

A: Nope, I’m canceling my appointment so that I can stay here with you.

<SONG: Do you remember when we met? That’s the day I knew you were my pet. I wanna tell you how much I love you.

Scene II:

A: I’m so relieved that your ankle wasn’t broken! I feel just awful about this whole thing. I wanna make it up to you. Let me take you out to dinner tonight. My treat.

B: That sounds great! I’d love to! Here is my address.

Pick me up at eight?

A: Perfect!

B: Thank you for such a lovely evening! The food was amazing, and I had a great time.

A: Me too. You look so beautiful tonight! I wish this night would never end. There’s something I have to tell you...

B: What is it?

A: I woke up today thinking this would be just like any other ordinary day, but I was wrong. A twist of fate brought us together. I crashed into your life and you into mine, and this may sound crazy, but I’m falling in love with you, Veronica…

Part III:

A: Steven! Where have you been? I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for hours!

B: I... um... there was an emergency at work, so...

A: I was waiting for you in the restaurant for three hours! And you didn’t even have the decency to call me! Do you have any idea how embarrassed I was?

B: Honey, I promise this won’t happen again, it’s just that I...

A: Yeah, right. I’ve heard it all before. I’m not going to take any more of your empty promises. This is the 5th time you’ve stood me up in two weeks!

You need to get your priorities straight. I’m tired of you putting your job first all the time!

B: Come on, Veronica, that’s not fair. I do care about you a lot, you know that. I tried to...

A: You know what? Maybe we should just take a break. I need some time to think about where this relationship is heading.

B: But...Veronica, would you just listen to me? There was a fire alarm at my office building today and I was stuck...

语录网网友观点:刘博士英语突破学习法公开课19: 一场车祸引发的爱情1。

英语 文学 爱情故事,
