语录网随笔 用英语表达恐惧的方式,用英语表达恐惧Ways of expressing fear

用英语表达恐惧的方式,用英语表达恐惧Ways of expressing fear


Different ways of expressing fear or ways to talk about being scared


    be afraid of one's own shadow – nervous/timid/easily frightened

    For a long time after he was rescued, the boy was afraid of his own shadow.

    to shake like a leaf – to tremble with fear 吓得直发抖

    He was shaking like a leaf when he first stepped onto the stage, but he was standing tall and smiling by the end of the performance.

    quaking in one’s boots – trembling with fear 怕得要命,吓得双腿发软

    The thought of watching a horror film left him quaking in his boots.

    be scared out of one’s wits – extremely frightened 吓得魂飞魄散

    I was scared out of my wits when I heard screaming, but it was just some children playing.

    be scared stiff – extremely frightened 非常恐惧的,极度害怕的,吓得要死的

    He was scared stiff of spiders.

    to break out in a cold sweat – to sweat due to fear or anxiety 直冒冷汗

    The thought of his presentation made him break out in cold sweat.

    to freak out – to act dramatically due to fear or excitement/to frighten someone(使)大吃一惊,(使)极度不安

    “You’re really freaking me out!” he screamed while his friend was telling ghost stories.

    to get the jitters (战战兢兢) – to feel very nervous 紧张

    I get the jitters when I have to talk in public. 要我在大庭广众面前讲话,我就紧张。

    to jump out of one’s skin – to be startled 大吃一惊

    “When the vampire appeared, I jumped out of my skin!” she said after the film.

    to make someone’s blood run cold – to horrify someone, frighten someone

    I heard a tapping on the window, which made my blood run cold.

    to strike fear into the hearts of – to cause someone/a group of people to become very frightened 把恐惧带到内心深处, 将恐惧深植心中

    The news about the escaped convict struck fear into the hearts of local residents. 有关逃犯的消息使当地居民感到极度恐惧。

    to whistle in the dark – to pretend to be unafraid 假装沉着给自己壮胆, 给自己壮胆

    Anyone who says they liked the film is just whistling in the dark.

    goosebumps – small bumps on the surface of the skin caused by cold or fear起鸡皮疙瘩

    I had goosebumps all the way through the film, but I couldn’t stop watching.

    to scare the hell out of – to frighten someone 吓得灵魂出窍

    He shouted, “You scared the hell out of me!”

    to make someone’s hair stand on end – to alarm or frighten someone 吓得毛骨悚然

    The sound of crying made her hair stand on end.

    to look as white as a ghost/like you have seen a ghost – to look pale due to shock or fear 吓得脸色苍白/好像看见鬼了

    You look like you’ve seen a ghost.

    be scared to death 非常恐惧的,极度害怕的,吓得要死的,吓傻的In high school I was scared to death of you. 高中时我怕你怕得要命。
