语录网随笔 校庆写给母校的英文短句,百年校庆英语祝福文章?



Looking forward to a bright future and creating a new century of brilliance.


Once in a hundred years, my classmates and friends are still celebrating.


Hundreds of teachers work hard and countless students work hard.


Wish Alma Mater with each passing day, prosperity and fragrance of peaches and plums!


Celebrate for the school, which cultivates my alma mater's blessing.

1、Give your heartfelt congratulations on the special anniversary.2.give an account of the glorious history of your university3.expresss your best wishes for the future of your university.



3、佳节快乐! 忆往昔,桃李不言,自有风雨话沧桑; 饮水思源,作为校友,我们深切感谢母校的栽培,也密切关注着母校的建设和发展。

4、Warmest thoughts and best wishes from your daughter. 寄上无限的思念和最美好的祝愿,你们的女儿。

5、一百年传薪播火风雨兼程喜继往开来代有精英登虎榜 万千次革旧创新品学并重看腾蛟起凤每凭实力上青云 百十年风雨兼程 恒发春华 您给予我们一片和风细雨,我们将还您一秋累累果实。

6、May happiness follow you everywhere ...just like we do. 愿快乐随时与您同在,就如同我们与您寸步不离一般。

Congratulations on my school anniversary and best wishes for a future that just keeps getting better! 祝贺我的学校周年纪念日,祝愿它的未来会越来越好。

Anniversary周年纪念日 The scloo is just like my second home, I hope the school will become better and better. And cultivates more talents.学校就像是我的第二个家,希望学校能越办越好,培养更多的人才!

Dear Agricultural University of Henan:

Theanniversary of school is approaching.Then I will use this chance to express my gratitude to you and it is a great pleasure to extend my sincere thanks to you for my education.

You are not only gushing out of the red sun,but also a ship full of hope , the temple of knowledge and the cradle of college students.We the students who is in your training are all study very happy and learn many knowledge.
