语录网随笔 don't tell(don't tell lie)

don't tell(don't tell lie)

有网友问don't tell,下面小编就以2988字给大家详细介绍don't tell lie,预计阅读需要8分钟!

前两天突然从总部“空降”了一名教学总监Lawrence,这哥儿们居然还是我们现在外教主任Tony的美国老乡!任命一下来,办公室里有几个好事儿的主儿就凑到Tony跟前打探这个新总监的过往“秘闻”,但人家Tony就冷冷地回了一句:“I don't want to tell tales behind others' backs.”

呵呵,为Tony的正直点赞!刚才他这句话的意思就是“我可不想在背地里讲人家的坏话。”所以,这个"tell tales"就是咱们中文里的“搬弄是非、打小报告、说人八卦、揭人隐私”的意思啦~在这里的“tale”可不是一般我们所说的“故事或童话”,而是“坏话、谣言”的意思。

tell tales

na. 讲坏话;告状,揭短;诽谤; 告发;揭人隐私;搬弄是非;泄露秘密

【En】Tell other people things about you which are untrue or which you wanted to be kept secret. 告诉其他人关于你的不真实的事情或你想要保密的事情。To tell someone in authority about something wrong that someone else has done. 把别人做错的事告诉权威人士。 To say something that is not true about someone else, in order to cause trouble for them. 为了给别人制造麻烦而说别人的坏话。To share secrets, often knowing that doing so will cause problems for someone else. 分享秘密,通常知道这样做会给别人带来麻烦。Gossip about or reveal another person's secrets, wrong-doings, or faults. 八卦、流言蜚语或泄露他人的秘密、错误行为或缺点。


• I hesitated, not wanting to tell tales about my colleague.


• Here's a tip: don't tell tales about your co-workers if you want to have any friends here.

给你个建议: 如果你想在公司里交朋友,就不要讲同事的坏话。

• As soon as she entered the room, she knew that Claire had already been telling tales, or at least complaining to her colleagues.


• She trusted me throughout her life, and I have no right to break that trust and tell tales about her just because she's dead.


• “Mum, Daniel's broken a plate.” “Don't tell tales, dear.”


• How did the boss know that I was late for work this morning? I think somebody's been telling tales about me.

老板怎么知道我今天早上上班迟到了? 我觉得有人在打我的小报告。

• Don't go telling tales to the teacher!


• According to the children, telling tales on each other was as bad as cheating.


• She had no right to tell tales to his mother!


• No child should be put in the position of having to tell tales on another child.


• They try to get convicted criminals to tell tales on their mates in return for cuts in their own sentences.


• An unpopular boy, who was always telling tales on the other children.


【活学活用 give an example】

• Don't tell tales behind others' backs.


• I don't want to tell tales behind others' backs, but did you know that Mary is having an affair with David?


• Your classmates won't trust you if you're always telling tales.


• Don't ask me any more. They are friends of mine and I am unwilling to tell tales behind others' backs.


• "If you tell tales about other boys in school, you'll be sent to Coventry."


• Why, will the black footman tell tales?


• You naughty girl, have you been telling tales again?


• It's bad manners to tell tales.

