语录网句子大全 关于西式婚纱的句子英文,找一些配婚纱照的英文句子?


1、Filled With Layers Of Veil That Piece, Encrusted Satin Weave Roses And Wedding Gemstone Inlaid Fight Is The Expectation Of Love, Is A Happy Dream.

2、Beautiful Beautiful Wedding Not Only Reflect, Reflect More Innocent Girl And Pretty Matter, The Bride Entered The Church, The Head Of The Wedding Veil Off Her Beauty, Even On The Neck Necklace Sparkling, Dazzling Must Be Lovely.

1、婚纱是每一个女孩子所向往的,各种漂亮的婚纱礼服让我们眼花缭乱。Wedding dress is every girls desire, beautiful wedding gowns dazzle us.


Not just married clothing item for the bride, it is a dream of many women.


I want to go with my girlfriends wedding.


The perfect wedding is every girl's dream wedding is dream of Jia Yi

5、咬著唇边 穿起婚纱上路 余生请你指教

Bit his lip edge wear wedding rest of you please enlighten road

西式婚礼:Western wedding refers to the popular wedding pattern in the west. (西式婚礼是指西方流行的结婚模式。)

If new appointee wants to hold western-style wedding custom in the church, should understand the custom of a few churches above all. (若新人想在教堂举行西式的婚礼规矩,首先应了解一些教会的规矩。

Generally speaking, to be married in a church, one of the two parties should have joined the church. (一般来说,要在教堂举行婚礼,双方应有一方已经加入教会。)

But perhaps some churches to these control is not so strict, new people should go to the church in advance contact, understand. (但或者有些教堂对这些的控制没有这么严,新人应提前去教堂联系,了解清楚。

中式婚礼:Chinese traditional wedding is an important part of Chinese culture. (中国传统婚礼是华夏文化的重要部分。)

It is one of the quintessence of Chinese traditional culture. (是汉传统文化精粹之一。)

Red sedan chair, baitiandi, hatchback, wearing "phoenix coronet xia pei, first rank dress" Chinese wedding. (大红花轿、浩浩荡荡的迎亲仪仗队、拜天地、掀盖头,身穿"凤冠霞帔、状元服"的中式婚礼。

"Pursuing cultural roots and attaching importance to traditional folk customs" has become the new "fashion" of modern people. ("追寻文化根源、重视传统民俗"成了现代人的新“时尚”,这就是中式婚礼。

婚纱 [名] wedding veil; [网络] Wedding dress; wedding dresses; wedding; [例句]朱莉穿着一件与此场合相称的纯白婚纱嫁给了亚历克。

And Julie married Alec, dressed appropriately in virginal white.
