语录网诗词 「语法难点小课堂」之介词+which定语从句


无论在托福阅读文章的过程中,或是在SAT文法做题时,很多同学都会对”in which…, at which…”这类定语从句的分析和理解提出问题。今天我们就通过几个从托福和SAT文法原文中提取的句子,快速帮助同学们熟悉这类定语从句。

1.1 为什么需要了解定语从句(Adjective Clause)



Some people buy organic food.


Others are prone to conventionally grown food, which are usually produced with pesticides and synthetic fertilizers.

通过例句,我们可以看到,此处的定语从句修饰conventionally grown food, 且修饰的这个名词词组在定语从句中充当主语成分,这使得定语从句形成了一个有着完整主谓结构的句子。


1.2为什么定语从句关系词which前需要加介词(in, on, of, at, from, by, with, for…)


Emerging diseases are also the result of human activity in the modern world, which brings more people into contact with more diseases.

例句中的定语从句修饰human activity, human activity在定语从句中作主语,代入定语从句中,从句可以完整地写为human activity brings more people into contact with more diseases.


Studies have shown that employees are happier, healthier, and more productive when they work in an environmentin which temperatures are carefully controlled.

例句中,定语从句修饰的是名词environment,但是我们却无法把environment这个名词直接代入从句中,因为即使没有environment,定语从句也已经是一个主谓完整的句子了:temperatures are carefully controlled。



因此,例句中environment前加入in之后,我们把定语从句的语序稍作调整,可以完整的写成temperatures are carefully controlled in the environment.


1) Each furnished room consists of three walls; the fourth wall is a glass panethrough which museumgoers observe.

- the fourth wall is a glass pane.

museumgoers observe through the glass pane.

2) Besides beginning the age, Superman in many respects defined it, becoming the modelon which many later superheroes were based.

- Superman becomes the model.

many later superheroes were based on the model.

3) Newspaper readers also felt themselves part of the public life about which they were reading.

- Newspaper readers also felt themselves part of the public life.

they were reading aboutthe public life.
