语录网短语说说 关于face的短语,习语专题:与脸face相关的习语集锦



做鬼脸 make a face

正视(困难等)face to face with

面对 in the face of

露面 show one's face

面朝下/朝上 face down/ up

打在某人脸部 beat sb in the face

straight face 板着脸,绷着脸

英文释义:When your face shows no emotion, especially when you are trying not to laugh, you keep a straight face.

Don't laugh, try and keep a straight face or she will know you are joking.


lose face 丢脸,丢面子

英文释义:When you lose face you feel you have lost the respect of others because of something you have done. When feel embarrassed when you lose face.

He lost face when his much younger brother took the test and did better than him.


long face 拉脸,不高兴

英文释义:You have a long face when you look sad.

What's happened to James? He has a long face this morning.


egg on your face 窘境,羞耻

英文释义:You have egg on your face when you get caught doing something wrong. It's an embarrassing situation.

The President has egg on his face after journalists found out he was lying.


face it 面对事实,面对现实

英文释义:You face it when you accept the truth, usually about something unpleasant.

Face it, unless we start making a profit soon we will go bankrupt.



It’s as plain as the nose on your face.

Even though the project had a lot of financial support, it fell flat on its face.

You need to put on a brave face.

It is time to face the music.

Get out of my face!

They were wiped off the face of the Earth.

They slammed the door in his face.

You should face this problem head on.

He loves to feed his face.


It’s as plain as the nose on your face = to be obvious. 很明显,摆在脸面上

Even though the project had a lot of financial support, it fell flat on its face.= make a big mistake 犯大错

You need to put on a brave face = to act with confidence. 自信地去做

It is time to face the music = to accept responsibility for a bad action. 勇敢面对困难

Get out of my face! = go away! 滚开,走开

They were wiped off the face of the Earth = to be made extinct. 消失,灭绝

They slammed the door in his face = to suddenly withdraw an opportunity. 打脸,突然收回机会

You should face this problem head on = to confront a problem directly. 直接勇敢面对问题

He loves to feed his face = to eat too much. 吃得很多
