语录网随笔 美剧why the woman kill,图解美剧学英语6期:why would someone kill themselves?附音频

美剧why the woman kill,图解美剧学英语6期:why would someone kill themselves?附音频

Hello,我是W!今天这个音频依然是来自Desperate Housewives的第一季第一集,主要交代了四大女主之一Susan Meyer的背景故事。


Susan Meyer, who lives across the street, brought macaroni and cheese.

Macaroni and cheese—also called 'mac and cheese' or 'mac n cheese' in American and Canadian English. 制作过程呢,先把意面煮八分熟,捞出备用,用黄油,面粉,奶酪制作sauce,然后把两者混合再放一些面包糠,一起进烤箱,烤30分钟,可以放些洋葱或者培根,调味就是盐和胡椒。


查资料的时候发现macaroni and cheese在传统意义上是一种comfort food 就是有缅怀和安慰的意思。

每个国家都有不同的comfort food,一般就是热量比较高,吃起来比较有满足感的食物,在中国估计是红烧肉一类的吧,哈哈。

Her husband Carl always teased her about her macaroni, saying it was the only thing she knew how to cook, and she rarely made it well.

tease: 取笑。看这句话的时候我突然想起来saying开始的那个从句是ing做伴随状语的典型代表啊,看来我这语法知识还没全忘啊。

It was too salty the night she and Carl moved into their new house. It was too watery the night she found lipstick on Carl's shirt. She burned it the night Carl told her he was leaving her for his secretary.


A year had passed since the divorce. Susan was starting to think how nice it would be to have a man in her life, even one who would make fun of her cooking.


这里的make fun of sb意思等同于前文中的tease sb,都是取笑,寻开心,找乐子的意思,中性。

还有几个意思类似的词组,laugh at sb是嘲笑,嘲讽的意思,比取笑要恶劣,贬义。

情节最轻的是play jokes (a joke) on sb = make jokes(a joke)about sb 就是开玩笑的意思,善意。

经常看美剧的大家肯定常听到的一句台词就是:I'm joking! Don't be so serious! 我开玩笑呢,你别当真啊。


JULIE: Mom, why would someone kill themselves?

(kill themselves=suicide=take one's own life,在这里的这种用法更适合Julie这种年纪的小女孩。)

SUSAN: Well, sometimes people are so unhappy they think it's the only way they can solve their problems.

JULIE: But Mrs. Young always seemed happy.

SUSAN: Yeah, sometimes people pretend to be one way on the outside and they're totally different on the inside.

(pretend to do: 假装做某事。

Laughing on the Outside (Crying on the Inside) - Nat King Cole的一首歌,大家可以去听一听,《the end of the f***ing world》第一集的配乐,《去他*的世界》2017年的一部英剧。


JULIE: Oh you mean how Dad's girlfriend is always smiling and says nice things but deep down you just know she's a bitch.

(deep down: 事实上,本质上;在内心深处。

例句: I was happy on the outside, but deep down I was devastated. bitch [bɪtʃ] 和 beach [biːtʃ]沙滩,海边,一定要分清楚,一个是短音/ɪ/一个是长音/i:/,要不然聊天的时候超尴尬的。



SUSAN: I don't like that word, Julie. But yeah, that's a great example


