语录网句子大全 护士常用的英文句子,用英语nurse造5个句子?








采取急救措施 take first-aid measures;

对事故中受伤人员进行急救 afford the first-aid to the injured in the accident;

急救包 first-aid dressing;

急救车 breakdown van; emergency ambulance;

急救人员 first-aid personnel;

急救箱 first-aid case;

急救药箱 first-aid kit;

急救用品 first-aid appliance;

急救站 first-aid station

急救盒,急救箱 emergency case

急救班 a first aid course

1、Launch The Discussion Of Knowledge Education Of First Aid To The Public对公众开展院前急救知识教育的探讨

2、Qualitative Study On Methods In Basic PA First Aids And Emergency Care Training120院前基本急诊急救知识培训方法的探讨

3、First Aid Knowledge Status And Intervention Result Of Students In A Polytechnic某理工院校大学生急救知识及干预结果分析

4、The Construction Of A First Aid Educational Game Base On Role-Playing基于角色扮演的安全急救知识教育游戏构建

5、We Can Also Prepare For An Emergency By Learning More About First Aid.通过学习更多的急救知识,我们可以紧急情况有备无患。

6、Knowledge Of First Aid And Relevant Needs Among Students In Zhejiang Province Normal Univercity浙江师范大学学生急救知识知晓及需求现况调查

7、Anyone With The Right Knowledge Can Give First Aid; You Don't Have To Be A Doctor.任何一个有正确的急救知识的人都可以进行急救,不一定非得是个医生才行。

8、Many Hospitals And Schools Offer Training Classes For People Who Are Interested In Learning First Aid.许多医院和学校为对急救知识感兴趣的人们提供培训。

9、Qualitative Study Of The Knowledge And Ability Demand For Special Population In First Aid北京市特殊人群的急救知识及能力要求的定性研究

10、Correlation Analysis On The Influencing Factors Of First-Aid Knowledge Among Undergraduates In Guangzhou, Hongkong And Macao;穗港澳地区大学生急救知识影响因素的相关分析

11、Analysis On Effect Of First Aid Knowledge And Skills Training For Cadres Graduated From Non-Medical Universities非医学大学生干部急救知识和技能培训效果分析

12、Learning About First Aid Is The Best Way To Make Sure That We Will Not Have To Feel As If We Could Have Done More.学一些急救知识是确保我们在事故发生的时候不留遗憾的最佳途径。

13、Pediatric First Aid Knowledge Among Caregivers And Teachers.托幼机构保教人员儿童急症救助知识调查

14、Train The Emergency Nurses Special Knowledge And Rescue Skills As Pertinently And Designedly To Focus Rescue Management.有针对性、有计划地对急诊护士进行专科知识和急救技能的培训; 狠抓急救管理。

15、ECG Training Evaluation Of The Effects Of Emergency Medical Treatment On Acute Myocardial Infarction In Pre-Hospital Care院前急救急性心肌梗死心电图知识培训效果的评价

16、Knowledge Of Suicidology,Intoxication Emergency And Psychiatry Among Rural Physicians In Liuyang County浏阳市乡村医务人员自杀、中毒急救与精神病学知识调查


18、To Investigate The Knowledge Of Suicidology,Intoxication Emergency And Psychiatry Among Rural Physicians In Liuyang County.了解乡村医务人员在自杀、中毒急救及精神病学方面知识掌握的现状,为进一步培训提供依据。



Are you nurses?你们是护士吗?


Weare not nurses.我们不是护士。



A:Can I help you?


B:I have a high fever. I am feeling terribly bad.


A:How long have you had the problem?


B:Since last night.


A:OK. You have to fill in this registration card.Your age, gender, address and things like that.


B:No problem. Which department should I register with, nurse?


A:You'd better go to the medical depart⁃ment.


Nurse is the most beautiful occupation in the world.They take good care of patients regardless of the mess and fatigue.They always show their enthusiasm and patience with bright smile to other people.They give their support to those patients and make them feel warm and helpful.With their scrupulous and thoughtful cares,the patinet's condition gets well gradually and become more and more healthy.

My Beaautiful Dream Everyone has a beautiful dream.So do I.My dream is to be a nurse in the future.My reason can be listed as following:The work of a nursr is to take care of the patients in the hospital,and give them the best convenience.secondly,by doing all the go Everyone has a beautiful dream.So do I.My dream is to be a nurse in the future.My reason can be listed as following:

The work of a nursr is to take care of the patients in the hospital,and give them the best convenience.

secondly,by doing all the good to the patients,I can gain a sence of satisfaction and a sense of responsibility.

Lastly,it is a kind of thing which kills two birds with one stone.

Many Chinese who pursue traditional concepts will be astonished by the appearance of male nurses. As a matter of fact, however, gender is no longer a barrier hindering Chinese men from joining the nursing field.

I'm Xu Lingzhi ,17-year-old,is studying nursing at Harbin's Secondary Health School. When I was in primary school and middle school, boys and girls accounted for 50% respectively in class, but now only two out of 50 students in my class are boys. This made me feel uneasy when I just started my study here and many of my relatives and friends regard male nurse strange.

nurse英 [nɜːs]美 [nɝs]vt. 看护,护理;照顾;培养;给…喂奶vi. 照料,护理;喂奶;当保姆n. 护士;奶妈,保姆n. (Nurse)人名;(英)纳斯[ 过去式 nursed 过去分词 nursed 现在分词 nursing ]
