语录网随笔 good life作文,美文欣赏:Created a good life(创造美好生活)

good life作文,美文欣赏:Created a good life(创造美好生活)

A good life is created, not something to wait for or to be given.美好的生活是创造出来的,不是等来的,也不是有人赠与的。

Only in the desolation out of the bustling landscape, our life can have extraordinary significance.在荒凉中走出繁华的风景,我们的人生就有了非凡的意义。

If a man has a will, he can do everything.人若有志,万事可为。

The meaning of life lies in the mutual illumination between people.生命的意义,在于人与人的相互照亮。

We can't change the world, but we can change ourselves.我们不能改变这个世界,但我们可以改变自己。

We should stand together with full vitality and enthusiasm to welcome the brilliant sunshine in nature,我们要站在一起,怀着满满的活力,带着青春的热情,迎接大自然中灿烂的阳光,

做人凡事要静,静静努力,静静收获,静静分享。Be quiet with anything, work hard, harvest and share.

Life will always set a small station for us to keep out the wind and rain, so we don't always have to rush.生活总会为我们设定遮风挡雨的小站,不必总是那么匆忙。

We will only pass if we work hard. We will be excellent if we work hard.努力了我们只会及格而已,拼命了我们才会优秀。

Life is boring, but as long as we run there will be wind.生活本是沉闷的,但只要我们跑起来就有风了。

语录网网友观点:第九句,两个work hard ,为何第一个译成努力了,第二个则译成拼命了。
