语录网随笔 Ears are burning 耳朵着了?谁又在说我坏话呢

Ears are burning 耳朵着了?谁又在说我坏话呢


one's ears are burning

听到某事而感到不安; (因为被人谈论、议论或批评而)耳朵发热,发窘

【En】One is aware of being the topic of another's conversation. 一个人意识到自己是别人谈论的话题。

One intuits that people were talking about them, despite not witnessing it. 人们凭直觉就知道人们在谈论他们,尽管没有亲眼目睹。

Make one's ears burn means "to embarrass". make one's ears burn的意思是使难堪。

Someone is subconsciously aware of being talked about, especially in their absence. 有些人会下意识地意识到被人谈论,尤其是在他们不在的时候。

【例】Are you two talking about me? My ears are burning.

你们在说我吗? 我的耳朵在发烫。

【例】All this talk about Emma - her ears must be burning!


【例】Were your ears burning? Jim was telling us about your exploits.

你的耳朵发烧了吗? 吉姆给我们讲了你的事迹。

【例】My ears are Burning so someone must be talking about me.


【例】Mom's stories about us as babies make my ears burn.


【例】Jenny's ears must have been burning last night: we talked about her for hours.


【Scene Dialogue 情景对话】Ears Are Burning

Here's an example when two word used together can sound very painful.


A: Hey, I saw your friend Anna yesterday. She was telling me about your birthday party. And she said that it was the best party that she had been to all year.


B: Wow, that's why my ears were burning.


If people say "my ears were burning," it means someone was talking about them, but that they weren't there to hear it. Imagine a message being sent to you when people are talking about you.


This comes from Ancient Rome, when people believed "burning ears" and other sensations signaled current or future events.


If it was in the right ear, the person was praised. The left ear meant evil may come.

