语录网短语说说 推开某人短语,handover和handoff的区别?


hand over是交出移交的意思;hand off是切换的意思;hand over英 [hænd ˈəuvə] 美 [hænd ˈovɚ]交出; 交付; 交给;让与hand off英 [hænd ɔf] 美 [hænd ɔf]用手推开某人



[释义] 力:竭力;排:排除;议:议论;意见。竭力排除或驳倒各个人的议论,使自己的主张占上风。

[语出] 宋·苏辙《上皇帝书》:“臣以不识忌讳;得罪于有司;仁宗哀其狂愚;力排众议;使臣得不遂弃于世。”

[近义] 不可争辩

[反义] 人云亦云

[用法] 含褒义。用于众人争论、研究问题的场合。一般作谓语、宾语、定语


push a face 显示大胆对抗的态度。 不示弱。

push about (美国俚语)杀死。

push ahead 抓紧进行。

push ahead with 推动, 推进。

push along (= push ahead [forward, on])奋力前进。 抓紧进行。

push and go 活力, 精力。

push and shove 连推带挤。

push around 把...推来推去, 摆布。

push aside 把.推开,避开。

push away 推开。

push back 向后推, 吞下。

push bench 推拔钢管机, 顶管机。

push bike (英国俚语)自行车。

push boat 顶推轮(船)。

push boring 推式镗孔(镗杆背主轴方向进刀)。

push brace 推力系杆, 衍架压杆, 推撑。

push button 按钮。

pass 是 前进; 通过; 经过; 超过 的意思, 所以push pass是(向前)推过去 push away 是(向左右)推开


v. 插;插入;推挤;插入;用向某人刺去;猛然或用力推;伸展;强使接受;竖起,挺出

n. 推力;刺;要旨,重点;强攻;冲断层,逆断层;苛评


I thrust the crowd and ran away from the spot.



thrust bearing推力轴承;止推轴承

thrust force推力

axial thrust轴向推力

thrust in闯入;不恰当地插入

thrust out逐出;推出;解雇

1、He pushed his way through the crowd.他推开人群挤出去了.

2、We had to push our way through the crowd .我们不得不挤过拥挤的人群。

3、I don't mean you should push your way into the inner circle, but you shouldn't be shy about approaching the IT gurus you admire and letting them know how they've inspired you.───这不是说要你打进他们的小圈子,但是你不应该羞于接近自己仰慕的IT大师,让他们知道你是如何深受其鼓舞的。

The challenge here is that you now run the risk of accumulating a nearly infinite number of these private states on the server, so you'll need a way to push those that aren't being used out to disk.


This is an odd way for Germany to push its universities into the top tier.


That makes it even more important to push ahead where the way is clearer, in Brazil and even Indonesia.


Let the software push back. Tell programmers to fight for what they think is the best way.


But I am not going to have a hooded man or woman teach my children, or push their way into the bank ahead of me, or drive my taxi or bus, and there will never be a law that says I have to.


She pushed his way to the end
