语录网随笔 spring是春天的意思吗?spring for的意思和春天相关吗?这个你可真想不到

spring是春天的意思吗?spring for的意思和春天相关吗?这个你可真想不到

今天很开心,因为同事要spring for my coffee and bagel [ˈbeɪɡl] (面包圈).

昨天是加拿大劳动节 Labour Day,和周末连在一起休息了三天。在加拿大一般把和周末连在一起的假日称作long weekend (长周末)。

Tims coffee


我一下没有明白,同事解释说: She will pay for my lunch. "spring for" is an informal statement. If someone says "I will spring for it". They mean "I will pay for it," usually when buying meals or drinks for a group of people.

原来spring for 的意思是 pay for sth for sb else (替别人)付…账/钱,请客。例如:

    I'll spring for the drinks tonight. 今晚的饮料我来付账。

    Good idea! I'll spring for the meal. 好主意!这顿饭我请客。

    He indicated he would spring for our dinner. 他说他要请我们吃饭。

    English is really crazy. 一个词竟有这么多意思。spring常见的意思有:春天,春季,弹簧,发条,弹性,弹力; v. 跳跃,蹦等。


    有个人在多伦多找房子租,对看的房子很满意,但是墙上的油漆有些shabby (破旧的)了,于是问房东可不可以把墙刷一下。


    不过,你得选中性的颜色" 。


    Look, I’ll spring for the paint if you want to repaint the place yourself but only if you choose neutral, not wild, colours!

