语录网句子大全 when开头的句子的回答,when开头的问句怎么回答?




When is your birthday?My birthday is on June 1st.你的生日在什么时候?我的生日在6月1日。When do you get up every day?I get up at six every day.你每天几点起床?我每天6点起床。


1、~When did Alice come back yesterday?

~She came back at 6 p.m.

2、~When are you going to the library?

~I am going to the library at 10 p.m.

3、~When do you come home every day?

~I come home at 5 p.m.every day.

4、~When are you going to the supermarket?

~I am going to the supermarket at 10 p.m.

5、~When are you going to the pack?

~I am going to the pack at 10 p.m.

6、_When are you going to the shop?

_I am going to the shop at 10 p.m.

7、_When are you going to Peter’s home?

_I am going to there at 10 p.m.

8、_When are you going to Club?

9、_When are you going to sleep?

_I am going to sleep at 10 p.m.

英语中,所有的特殊疑问句都不能用简略回答。只有一般疑问句有简略回答。所谓的简略,回答就是肯定回答和否定回答。特殊疑问句的回答,必须要根据实际情况来真实的回答。比如:Are you a teacher?肯定回答。

Yes.I am.并回答。

No, i'm not.When did you come back ?We Came back Last week.



When were your born?


( I was born)On June 5,1962.


When will you go to Japan?


(I will go there)next year.


When did you go to beijing yesterday?(昨天你们什么时候到达北京的?)问句回答:We went to beijing at nine o'clock yesterday.(昨天晚上9:00,我们到达北京的。

)When do you play basketball every day.(每天什么时候打篮球?)When do you get up in the morning(你早晨几点钟起床?)

When do you usually get up 你通常几点起床?

When does your father usually go to work 你父亲通常什么时候去上班?

When she'll be back depends much on the weather.她何时回来在很大程度上取决于天气.,/;

When (we are ) young, we are full of hope. 年轻时,我们大家总是充满希望。

When in Rome, do as Romans do. 入乡随俗。

When will they come back?

when did that happen?

when did you graduate from school?

when are you leaving for Shanghai ?

when will you be free?

when did you have your breakfast this morning ?

when are you going to go to work?

when did you learn to drive a car ?

when i was a child ,i often play the violin.

when will you come to my home?

when will you be with me ?

答:以when 开头的句型有:特殊疑问句、主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句。

When did you get up? I got up at six.你什么时候起床的?我六点起床的。

When will the bus arrive? At eleven.公共汽车什么时候到?11点。

When do we have breakfast? At seven.我们什么时候吃早餐?七点
