语录网短语说说 吸取英语短语,有关pass的短语谁能告诉我?


pass sth around 把---传递给(---中的)每个人

A picture was passed around the class.班上的同学传看一幅画

pass away 亡故;消失

She passed away peacefully in her sleep她是在睡梦中安详地过世的

pass between sb 在(两人的眉目,语言等)之间

A look of understanding passed between Ann and Carla安和卡拉心照不宣地交换了一下目光

pass by 过去;逝去

The weeks passed by and sha didn't call几个星期过去了,她没打电话来

pass by sb/sth 通过;经过

I saw the procession pass by我看见队伍走过

pass sb/sth by 未影响(某人或某事)

The whole business passed him by他没有察觉到发生了什么事

pass sth down 流传;使世代相传

Some of the furniture has been passed down through the family有些家具是一代一代传下来的

pass for /as sb 被当作某人,被看成某人

He speaks French well enough to pass for a Frenchman他说法语很流利,很容易被当作法国人

pass into sth 成为其中一部分;溶入;纳入

Many foreign words have passed into English许多外来词语已被英语吸收过来

pass off 事情---地过去;(疼痛,药效)逐渐消失

The symptoms should pass off within 24 hours症状应该在24小时内消失

pass on 开始下一项(活动,讨论等)

Let's pass on to the next item on the agenda我们进行下一个议程吧

pass sth on (用后)传递,传给

I'll pass this book on to you when i've finished with it我看完这本书就给你

pass sb on to sb 把某人交给他人;安排他人接手

I'm afraid i can't answer your question,but i'll pass you on to my colleague恐怕我不能回答你的问题,不过我可以请我的同事回答你

pass out 昏迷;失去知觉

He almost passed out with the pain他痛得快要昏了

pass sth out 分发;分配

The teacher asked me to pass the books out老师让我把书发给大家

pass over sb/sth 在---上方经过

The planes pass directly over the hospital飞机都从医院的正上方飞过

pass sb/sth over (to sb)将---交给(某人)

The doctor passed the baby over to the nurse医生把婴儿交给护士照料

pass through;pass through sth 经过;路过

We're not staying here,we're just passing through我们只是路经此地,不会久留

pass through sth 经受;经历;遭受

She passed through s difficult period after her divorce她离婚之后一度倍受煎熬

pass sth up 放弃,不要(机会,帮助等)

She passed up the chance of a trip to Rome她放弃了去罗马旅游的机会


suck是一个英语单词,是动词,意为" 吸吮;吸取"。

它的短语搭配为Vampires Suck 吸血鬼了没 ; 暮色大电影 ; 暮光够了没 ; 戏说吸血鬼suck down 往下吸 ; 吸下Suck Chocolate 吮巧克力。

其双语例句为The little one stops to suck his thumb.一只小蚂蚁停下来吸他的拇指。

“They suck everything out of you,”

says one European bank boss.“他们会吸干你的一切,”一位欧洲银行的老板说道。
