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The emperor'snew clothes《皇帝的新装》


There was an emperor who loved to wear beautiful new clothes.


One day, two impos-ters came to the city.


The imposters said:"We can weave the most magical cloth in the world-foolish people can not see it."


The emperor want-ed to use the magi-cal cloth to make new clothes, so he gave the imposters a lot of golden and silver thread.


After a few days, the emperor wanted to see what the magical cloth looked like.


Huh? The loom was empty, nothing was there ...


"I must be a fool!" The emperor was very scared. So he deliberately praised the cloth loudly.


The emperor's ministers went along and also pretended to see the cloth, facing the empty loom and giving a thumbs-up gesture.


The imposters used a pair of scissors to cut into the thin air and also used needles with-out any thread to sew.


"Noble emperor, the new clothes are done." The imposters pretended to put the new clothes on the emperor.


The emperor held a grand parade in the city. The people all were competing to praise him.


Suddenly, a child shouted: "The emperor isn't wearing anything!"


At this time, the emperor realized that he had been tricked, and he dingily ran back to the palace ...


A luxurious and foolish king changed his clothes every day. One day two cheats came to the kingdom. They claimed that they could make a magical dress, which only sages could see and fools could not see.


The cheaters demanded a lot of treasure and kept claiming that the dress was so expensive and brilliant that the officials sent could not see it. However, in order to cover up their ignorance, they all said they could see the dress, and so did the king. Finally, they paraded in the street wearing the invisible dress. A child said, "He's wearing nothing!



The king's new clothes

The emperor hired two tailors, and they promised to make him an extraordinary new suit. When the emperor went to see his new clothes, no one who was incompetent or stupid could see them, because the tailor was a liar, and there was no clothes to be afraid of being considered incompetent or stupid. The emperor pretended to be happy with the new clothes.

Ah Fei held a grand parade in the town, and the others were fake Pretend to see, until a child called out, he was not dresse
