语录网随笔 人教版高中英语必修二第五单元教案(人教版英语必修二第五单元)



B2 U5


1.musician n 音乐家 eg:

He is a famous musician.

music n 音乐

musical adj. 音乐的:

musical half notes 二分音符

passer-by n 过路人,行人 复数形式:passers-by 有主体词的合成名词变复数要改变主体词。没有主体词的合成名词变复数在后面直接加s :

Grown-ups 成年人们

2.perform vt&vi 表演,履行,执行 eg:

The young doctor performed the operation successfully.

perform an experiment 做实验

①performer n 表演者,执行者 ②performance n 表演,演奏 She performed a performance.

3.broadcast n&v 广播,播放 过去式broadcast/broadcasted 过去分词broadcast/broadcasted


① adj 幽默的,诙谐的

②humor n 幽默


① adj 吸引人的,有吸引力的

② attract vt. 吸引

③ attraction n. 吸引力,名胜

eg:I have no attraction for him.

拓展:attract...to 吸引……,引起……的兴趣 eg:

What attracted me most to the job was the chance to travel.


① n. 加,增加,加法

②add v 增加

③additional adj 附加的

7.excitement n. 兴奋,刺激 ②excite vt. 使兴奋

③excited adj. 使激动

④ exciting adj. 令人激动的


① adj. 自信的,确信的

② confidence n. 自信,自信心 eg:

To be confident.


① n 投入,热爱

② devote vt. 投入

③ devoted adj. 忠诚的

eg:I respected his devotion to teaching.


① n. 邀请,款待

② invite vt. 邀请 eg:

I received an invitation.

11.dip vt 浸,蘸 dip into... 蘸... eg:

He dipped his pen into the ink.


① adj. 简短的,简要的

② n. 摘要,大纲

③ briefly adv. 简短的,短暂的

eg:During his brief life.

In brief 简而言之


① adj. 敏感的,易受伤的,灵敏的

② sense n. 感觉

③ sensible adj. 明智的,合理的 eg:

You will need to be patient and sensitive to others.

14.dream of 梦见,梦想,设想 dream的过去式和过去分词相同: dreamed/dreamt

eg: The girl dreamed of a handsome boy

15.to be honest 说实在的,实话说(= honestly speaking) 多用于口头真实想法=in all honesty

eg:To be honest, I don't want to work with him.

拓展:①be honest with 对……说实话 eg:

I shall be quite honest with you.

②be honest in 在……方面坦诚 eg:

He is honest in all he does.

16.attach...to 认为……有(重要性,意义)附上,连接,喜欢 eg:

Do you attach any importance to what he said.

17.In cash 用现金,有现钱 cash作现金讲为不可数名词 eg:

I'd like to pay in cash.

18.play jokes on 戏弄 eg:

Who likes being played jokes on?

拓展:make jokes about sth 就……开玩笑 eg:

Don't make jokes about other's appearance.

19.① rely on/upon 依赖 后接名词代词 eg:

We must rely on our own efforts.

② rely on sb to do sth 指望某人做某事 接动词不定式复合结构 eg:

We rely on him to solve the problem.

③ rely on sb for sth 依靠某人某物 eg:

You can't rely on him for assistance.

④ rely on it that... 指望……依赖…… eg:

You may rely on it that he won't be late.

20.be/get familiar with 熟悉 be强调状态 get强调动作 be familiar to 指某人或某事被别人熟悉

eg:--Are you familiar with the customs here?

--No,the place is unfamiliar to me.

21.or so 大约 多用于数词之后 eg:My parents will be back in a year or so.

22.与break 搭配的词组:

① break up 打碎,分裂,解体 eg:

He broke up under the stress.

② break away (from) 突然离开,脱离 eg:

The prisoner broke away from his guards.

③ break down 打到,出故障 eg:

The phone system has broken down.

④ break into 破门而入 eg:

We had our home broken into last week.

⑤ break off 中断 eg:

He broke off in the middle of a sentence.

⑥ break out 爆发 eg:

Fire broke out during the night.

23.in addition 另外,也 常与to 连用 eg:

In addition, the weather is getting worse and worse.

In addition to 除了……之外 eg:They bought some English books , in addition to Chinese books.

24.sort out 分类,挑出,整理 eg:

The cupboards need sorting out.

25.above all最重要,首先 副词词组位于句首或句中,表强调

eg:Above all, everyone must obey the law.

拓展: after all 毕竟,终究,到底 表让步 eg:So,you have come after all.

First of all 首先 强调次序 eg:First of all let me introduce myself to you.

In all 总共,共计 eg:

There are 30000 visitors in all.


1.To be honest, a lot of people attach great importance to becoming rich and famous.

2.The musician were to play jokes on each other as well as play music, most of which was based loosely on the Beatles.

3.Freddy and his band could not go out anywhere without being followed.
