语录网文案 暖心文案:我喜欢走在路上,太阳爱我我爱所有人


1.我薄情而懒散 不爱城市人群 逃避谈论感情的场合 只喜欢沿途山海 我失败的堪称完美。

I'm sentimental and lazy and I don't love the city. People avoid talking about relationships. I just like the mountains and seas along the way. I fail perfectly.

2.偷偷许个愿:我的父母都很普通 我要前途光明给他们不普通的生活。

Secretly make a wish: my parents are ordinary and I want a bright future to give them an unusual life.

3.如果你听上我的哽咽 麻烦捂上耳朵 帮我戴上帽子 让我一直骄傲 一直温柔 一直善良。

If you listen to my sobs, please cover your ears and help me put on my hat. I have always been proud, gentle and kind.


Grandpa did not lose to war, dad did not lose to poverty, nor can we lose to love and life in peace times.

5.没关系的大家都会很难过 莫名其妙的掉眼泪 会在某个瞬间突然崩溃 但不妨碍我们看看夕阳吹吹风 都会过去哒.

It doesn't matter, everyone will be very sad, inexplicable tears will suddenly collapse in a moment, but it does not prevent us from watching the sunset blowing wind will pass.

6.想象一下 你喜欢的人站在你面前 微微歪着头朝你笑 笑的眉眼弯弯 日光倾城 照的眼前人明媚的刚好 然后问你“你是不是喜欢我啊”.Imagine that the person you like is standing in front of you with his head tilted slightly, smiling at you with his eyes curved and the sun shining brightly in front of him and asking you if you like me.
