语录网句子大全 关于明朝的英文句子,明故宫又称南京故宫是明朝早期的皇宫.英文怎说?


明故宫又称南京故宫是明朝早期的皇宫 英文:Ming The Imperial Palace is also called Nanjing the Imperial Palace, Is the palace of the early Ming Dynasty.

The Great Wall was originally been built in the Ming Dynasty ,实际上最早的长城是建于战国时期的。


Based on the history of Ming dynasty from year 1344 to 1644, introduced the novel style with the mainline of age and the specific characters.The novel intensively shows the destiny of 17 emperors , the nobilities and the key characters, especially on the politics , the battles and emperors' intentions, commented on the economic systems and the bioethics. 纯手工翻译,希望能满意!
