语录网诗词 非常有田园诗句的英语短句,关于田野的英文诗?


My old friend, with chicken and millet, invited me to Tian's house. Green tree village edge close, Castle Peak Guo Wai oblique. Open the surface field garden, the wine, then mulberry hemp. Stay until the double ninth day, but also to the chrysanthemum.


A creek twines the vast green field just like the blue color satin ribbon,a distant place modelling is being plain,color harmonious hut,a school of beautiful moving rural scenery!

Definition of idyll

1a: a simple descriptive work in poetry or prose that deals with rustic life or pastoral scenes or suggests a mood of peace and contentment

b: a narrative poem (such as Tennyson's Idylls of the King) treating an epic, romantic, or tragic theme

2a: a lighthearted carefree episode that is a fit subject for an idyll

b: a romantic interlude

田园countryside或fields and gardens或garden city 短语1. 田园春光 rural scenes in spring;2. 田园风格 pastoralism;3. 田园风光 rural scenery [landscape]

;4. 田园风味 ruralism;5. 田园歌舞剧 pastoral;6. 田园派诗人 the Georgian school;7. 田园派作者 pastoralist;8. 田园曲 pastoral;9. 田园诗 idyll; idyl; villanelle; pastoral poetry;10. 田园诗人 pastoral poet;11. 田园夜蛾 rustic moth例句1.Nantong is a unique Garden City.南通是一座富有特色的田园城市。

2、We strolled in the villa, tasting of garden city scene.我们漫步在宝月山庄,体验着田园风光。希望对你有帮助 如有疑问 请在线交谈 祝你天天开心 心想事成 O(∩_∩)O ...

悯农 Sympathy for the peasants 锄禾日当午,Hoeing millet in mid-day heat,汗滴禾下土.Sweat dripping to the earth beneath:谁知盘中餐,Do you know the food on your plate,粒粒皆辛苦.Each grain was hard-earned.
