语录网随笔 向即将到美国留学的学生介绍几个克服想家情绪的方法是,向即将到美国留学的学生介绍几个克服想家情绪的方法




“想家”这个词最初由瑞士人用来指“向往山林”。 无论你是想念山林还是海滩,思念你的妈妈还是你的男朋友/女朋友,高校辅导员提供的以下这些建议都能帮助你克服思乡之情:

1. 列一份你想做的事项清单


2. 不查看社交媒体


3. 不要害怕告诉别人


4. 不忘从事你喜欢的一些活动


5. 在报到之前练习英语



Starting school in the U.S.? Here are tips to fight homesickness.

Nearly 1 million international students — a record, and more than will study in any other country — are beginning a new academic year at U.S. colleges.

You might be one of them. You’ll make new friends but even so, you probably will feel homesick at some point this semester.

The word “homesick” was originally used by the Swiss to mean “a longing for the mountains.” Whether you miss mountains or beaches, your mom or your boyfriend/girlfriend, college counselors offer these tips to overcome your homesickness:

1. Make a list of things you want to do

… and start checking off items. When else will you get the opportunity to visit anew city, trydifferent foods, or visittop U.S. destinationsoroffbeat small towns? Even if you have to force yourself at first, make the most of the time you have in a new place by being adventurous. You’ll feel better if you do.

2. Log off social media

… even if you fall behind on events back home. The Internethas created a fear of missing out (FOMO). Catching up with your friends at home won’t help you enjoy your new surroundings. Face-to-faceconnectionson your new campus will get you past any initial feelings of isolation.

3. Don’t be afraid to tell others

… and you can start with your new American roommate or acquaintance. It is common for American students also to get homesick as they start college. Schools have on-campus resources to help you. You can reach out to teachers, counselors or resident advisers: They’re there to make sure you don’t feel overwhelmed.

4. Remember some activity that you love

… and start doing it through a campus club or community venue. If you love nature, join a hiking club or an outdoor program. If you want to stay fit,try a new sport. If you miss your art supplies, go to a local studio, or see if your college has anyart-related programsor activities.

5. Practice your English before you come

… so that taking classes will be less stressful. If you plan to come next year, you can work onconversational Englishor evencollege-level writingbefore you come. That way you’ll have more time to enjoy your new friends and location.

Get helpful information on how to study in the U.S. from EducationUSAand learn how other international students are thriving at U.S. colleges fromShareAmerica.
