语录网随笔 吃晚餐的英语短句,吃晚饭英文的怎么写还有怎么说?


吃晚饭可以说have super/dinner. super本来就是晚饭的意思,而dinner指的是正餐,西方人习惯将晚餐当做一天中最重要的一餐,所以have dinner 也可以用来表示吃晚餐。


n. 晚餐,晚宴;宴会;正餐


There will be a dinner party after the performance.


The new neighbor next door invited me to dinner.


I prepared a wonderful dinner for my wife.


(It's) time for supper.括号里的部分可以省略。

晚餐 supper早餐 breakfast午餐 lunch通常口语中,可直接用 Time for supper! 来表示该吃晚饭啦。

My dinner not sumptuous,but is delicious.I like pork and vegetables.These dishes are made by my mother,she cook very delicious,my slobber.我的晚餐不算丰盛,但算得美味.有我最喜欢的猪肉和青菜.这些菜都是我妈妈做的,她做菜非常好吃,令我口水直流.

Hot pot is a Chinese tasteful folk dish. No matter in the north or in the south, people like hot pot very much and every region has its local features.火锅是我国的民间美食,不管是北方还是南方,人们都爱吃火锅,而每个地方的火锅也有自身的地域特

It is extremely popular in winter because it can keep the dishes warm all the time. And the atmosphere is hot, too. Friends or relatives sit down together to have a feast. It’s a good way to relax.火锅在冬天大受欢迎是因为它能一直保持热度,并且吃火锅的气氛很热烈,亲人朋友团座一桌,享受大餐,这是一种很放松的就餐方式。
