语录网句子大全 关于牛的句子英文,水牛英语有趣句子?




1、The Field Trial On The Control Of Schistosomiasis By Treatment Of Buffaloes With Chemotherapy In The Poyang Lake Region Of Jiangxi Province;水牛化疗控制鄱阳湖地区血吸虫病传播的现场实验研究

2、In Vitro Maturation Of Buffalo Oocytes With Different Concentrations Of Bovine Serum Or BSA;不同浓度的牛血清及牛血清白蛋白对水牛卵母细胞体外成熟的影响


1、Any Of Several Oxlike Old World Mammals Of The Family Bovidae, Such As The Water Buffalo And Cape Buffalo.水牛,野牛一种似牛的东半球牛科哺乳动物,如水牛和非洲野牛

2、Any Of Several Old World Animals Resembling Oxen Including, E.G., Water Buffalo; Cape Buffalo.东半球的几种象牛的动物,如水牛;南非水牛。

3、I Guess That Must Have Put Buffalo On The Map.我猜水牛翅一定让水牛城出名了。

4、A Small Buffalo(Bubalus Or Anoa Depressicornis) Of Celebes And The Philippines, Having Short, Pointed Horns.倭水牛,矮水牛西里伯岛和菲律宾的一种小水牛(水牛或倭水牛),有短而尖的角

5、A Soft Thick Undyed Leather From The Skins Of E.G. Buffalo Or Oxen.一种软而厚的天然色水牛或公牛皮革。

6、Anatomy Of The Metacarpus, Phalanges And Sesamoids Of Bactrian Camel, Yak, Cattle, Yak-Cattle Hybrid And Buffalo;双峰驼、牦牛、黄牛、犏牛和水牛的掌骨、指骨及籽骨的解剖学研究

7、Water Buffaloes Are Also Beasts Of Burden.水牛也是一种役畜。

8、The Fighters Are American Buffaloes.战斗机是美国的水牛式。

9、Several Buffaloes Are In The Rice Fields.稻田里有几只水牛。

10、If There Is No Elephant In The Jungle, The Buffalo Will Be A Great Animal .丛林无大象,水牛称大王。

Look at the cow. It is black and white. It has a big head and a strong body. Its eyes are big and shining. Its ears are small. It eats grass and produces milk.

The cows looked very strong and frightening. They had two big horns and two ears on their heads, and two big nostrils on their nose. The spots on their backs were black and white, as if they were wearing a pretty dress.



A new week is coming. Unconsciously, we have stepped into the threshold of the next week and start a new week of life. In the new week, we should quickly enter the intense study.

Therefore, I decided to list the study plan for the next week, and always remind myself of the hard work in the study: as a respect for young pioneers, not only care for young pioneers, but also for the old Teachers should also be willing to help others, always remember to abide by the law and discipline, work hard, persevere and set an example. If we want to be a qualified young citizen, we should work hard. Persistent study means hard work.

But I am not afraid of hard work, and others can do it. I believe that through my efforts, I can be polite, civilized and honest with polite language I think, if it is completed in a real sense, then we must learn more methods after harvest. According to a scientific research achievement told me by my father, the human brain is the most flexible in the morning.

Therefore, if we learn something in the morning, the effect will be better Combine, cherish this precious time, study hard, I will learn more progress, progress, think of words, we can progress every day.







Xiaoming English is the first in every exam! English is very good

牛 [niú] 【英文单词】:cow 【词语辨析】:

1、buffalo :指水牛,在美国指野牛。

2、cow :指任何品种的成年母牛或乳用的乳牛。


4、ox 泛指野生或驯养的牛类,系动物学的用词,通称,也指公牛。


He teamed one horse and one cow to a plow. 【组词】:1、beef cattle 菜牛 2、pedigree bull 纯种公牛 3、bull 公牛 4、cow 母牛




n. 奶牛,母牛;母兽

vt. 威胁,恐吓

复数:cows或 kine


By this time she was so cowed by the beatings that she meekly obeyed.



1、cash cow 摇钱树;巨大财源

2、cow leather 牛皮

3、milch cow 摇钱树,财源;乳牛

4、holy cow [俚]不会吧!;哎呀!;我的天啊



1、dairy cattle

英文发音:[ˈdeəri ˈkætl]


His herd of 170 dairy cattle and 200 young stock are kept on the land.


2、milch cow

英文发音: [ˈmɪltʃ kaʊ]


The results showed that the blood selenium contents of milch cow were different in different areas.

