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看视频学英语,今天我们一起来学习Geography 地理 模块知识!结合视频和律动,一起把内容掌握吧!

Geography 地理

The sky is so high. 天空很高

We are standing on the land. 我们站在陆地上

The mountain shoots up. 山峰巍峨耸立

Many animals live in the forest. 动物们生活在森林里

There are wild green fields. 这有很多绿色的田野和牧场

A rainforest has a lot of rain. 雨林的降雨量很多

A desert is a very hot and dry place. 沙漠是又热有干燥的地方

The sea is very deep and blue. 海洋的水又蓝又深

An island is surrounded by the sea. 岛屿被海水包围着

A river flows into the sea. 河流汇入大海

A lake is as smooth as a mirror. 湖面平静得像一面镜子

A valley is a lone land between two mountains. 两座山峰之间有山谷空隙

A waterfall falls from a cliff. 悬崖上悬挂着瀑布

