语录网随笔 每日英语学习——(bu)其二




51.不减当年:just like one’s old self (in appearance/ bearing…)

52.不见不散:Be there or be square.

53.不见棺材不落泪:not shed a tear until one sees the coffin—refuse to be convinced until faced with grim reality

54.不骄不躁:not conceited or rash, free from arrogance and rashness

55.不解之谜:an unsolved riddle/puzzle, enigma, mystery

56.不近人情:be against human nature, be unreasonable

57.不经之谈:absurd statement, tall tale, nonsense, rock and bull story

58.不胫而走:run apace, spread like wildfire

59.不咎既往;forgive sb’s past misdeeds, not censure sb for his past misdeeds

60.不拘礼节:not stand on ceremony, not on ceremony, without ceremony, informal, casual

61.不拘偏见:be free from prejudice

62.不拘一格:not stick to one pattern, not limited to one type/style

63.不绝如缕:hanging by a thread, very precarious

64.不刊之论:idea or argument that admits of no modification or change, sacrosanct statement, absolute truth

65.不堪回首:cannot bear to look back on, find it unbearable to recall

66.不堪入耳:intolerable to the ear, revolting, disgusting

67.不堪设想:too ghastly/dreadful to contemplate

68.不堪一击:cannot withstand a single blow, collapse at the first blow

69.不看僧面看佛面:not for the monk’s sake, but for the Buddha’s

70.不亢不卑:neither haughty nor humble, neither overbearing nor servile, neither supercilious nor obsequious


72.不可多得:hard to come by, rare



75.不可告人:not to be divulged, hidden

76.不可估量:inestimable, incalculable, immeasurable, beyond measure


78.不可救药:incurable, hopeless

79.不可开交:extremely, awfully

80.不可抗力:force majeure, act of God

81.不可理喻:be impervious to reason, won’t listen to reason

82.不可名状:indescribable, beyond description


84.不可企及:matchless, inimitable


86.不可胜数:countless, innumerable, untold

87.不可思议:unthinkable, past all belief, weird

89.不可同日而语:cannot be mentioned in the same breath, cannot be put on a par

90.不可向迩:cannot be approached

91.不可一世:consider oneself peerless, hold one’s head high, act high-and mighty

92.不可逾越:impassable, insurmountable, insuperable

93.不可终日:have no peace of mind all day

94.不稂不莠:useless, worthless, good for nothing

95.不劳而获:eat the bread of idleness, live off the labor of others, profit by other people’s toil

96.不理不睬:take no notice of, ignore

97.不了了之:end up with nothing definite, fizzle out

98.不留情面:not spare sb’s sensibilities, be not afraid to hurt sb’s feelings

99.不露声色:not show/ betray one’s feelings, intensions

100.不伦不类:neither fish nor fowl, nondescript

